rsyslog work log for an important day ;)

Yesterday’s rsyslog work log:
– added some advanced features usually in demand to sample rsyslog.conf,
but left it commented out
– rename $TimoutWorkerThreadShutdown to $WorkerTimoutThreadShutdown
for consistency reasons
– changed default for action queue size to 1000 elements (more reasonable here)
– fixed bug in sample rsyslog.conf
– fixed wrong action suspend/resume handling
– we have some issue with the mutx in dbgoprint, but that is acceptable for
the time being, I just removed the deadlock codition (debug system only)
– bugfix: dbgoprint mutex – was too simple once I wrote the tracker item ;)
– bugfix: having fun with 32/64 bit portability – after 15 years, I finally
was trapped again ;) — now fixed, sizes > 2GB supported on 32bit platforms